On the Record charges the same low hourly rate for most depositions, with additional discounts offered for larger jobs. There are several areas within the U.S. where rates vary, and jobs within those areas are quoted individually. All jobs outside of the U.S. are also quoted individually.
Our normal turnaround time for tapes is 2 weeks after the deposition. For expedited jobs, we can get the tapes out in a matter of a few days. If the attorney needs to take the tapes with him/her immediately after the conclusion of the deposition, we can certainly arrange this service, provided we are advised of this necessity beforehand.
Yes, videographers can bring extra equipment to the site, such as an extra VCR and monitor, an Elmo visual presenter, an easel, etc. The cost for this equipment will vary, depending upon the location of the deposition, how long the equipment will be needed and what piece of equipment is desired.
Yes, we do provide editing services (see our Editing Services Home Page for more information.)
Yes, we can help you with courtroom playback services. Any of our technicians can handle this service for you, or we can refer you to someone in your area who specializes in this service.
On the Record has the equipment and software to transfer your videotape to CD-ROM or DVD, and to synchronize the transcript to the video.